Тойота концепткары

тойота концепткары

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  • Toyota Concept-i | The Car of the Future
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  • Все темы Рестайлинг авто Новинки Концепт кары. , 2. Названа дата премьеры новой Toyota Supra. Премьера возрожденного спорткара Supra несколько раз откладывалась.  Компания Toyota представила на Парижском автосалоне европейскую версию кроссовера RAV4 нового поколения. От модели для американского рынка, которую показали весной в Нью-Йорке, автомобиль отличается лишь размером площадки для номерного знака. Читать далее.

    Концепт-кар — это прототип будущего автомобиля, которые используются для демонстрации нового стиля, нового дизайна и технологии. Он часто используют на автошоу для проверки реакции зрителей, и уже по ней определяется будущее тех или иных решений.

    Сегодня, 28 августа, празднует свой день рождения один из самых крупных производителей автомобилей - Toyota. Компания была основана в году и пережила как взлёты, так и падения. Но сейчас она реализует тысячи качественных авто по всему миру ежедневно. Создание новых и усовершенствование старого модельного ряда не возможно без новаторства и безумных идей.

    Буквально, словосочетание концепт кар с английского переводится, как «идея автомобиля». Это некий прототип авто, на котором проверяют реакцию людей на новые внедряемые технологии, дизайнерские решения и т.п. В первозданном виде, прототипы никогда не запускаются в массовое производство.

    тойота концепткары

    тойота концепткары

    Два японских автопроизводителя, Suzuki и Toyota, подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве. WE выглядит так странно благодаря использованию вспененного полипропилена. Ведущий японский автопроизводитель планирует продемонстрировать новый Toyota Avalon на автосалоне в Детройте. Ранее модель предлагалась только в 7-местном исполнении с тремя рядами сидений. ТОП авто оправдавших ожидания.

    тойота концепткары

    тойота концепткары

    тойота концепткары

    тойота концепткары

    тойота концепткары

    10 самых удивительных концептов Toyota | Автика.ру

    Designed from the inside out, Toyota Concept-i is an exciting glimpse into a future mobility that is warm, friendly and revolves around you. But you can call me pal. So what will our cars look like and how will they function? Will we drive them or will they drive us? Well, we have an idea. Cars are for people who want to go to more places safely and efficiently, and enjoy the thrill of the drive at the same time.

    Toyota Concept-i and its forward-thinking UX hold a mirror up to a future that is warm, friendly, engaging and, most of all—fun. Without further ado, meet Concept-i. My name is Yui, which means the center, or the soul. I act as a liaison between you, your passengers and the car. The forward-thinking minds at our Calty Design Research center have dreamed up a concept of automotive UX that is intelligent, friendly and helpful. Intelligent cars that continually learn, and, in turn, keep getting smarter.

    тойота концепткары

    Brilliant cars that get to know you and your needs, and then start to anticipate them for you. A bond between car, driver and society that, like any great relationship, revolves around trust and loyalty. Helping to bring this vision to life is Yui. Yui is a liaison between you, your passengers and your car. More pal than interface, Yui, in tandem with AI, anticipates your needs and informs the car so that Concept-i can consider and execute that next action accordingly. I was born at Calty Design Research center in California circa I love talking and taking long drives by the beach.

    I was conceived to act as an agent, or a middleman, between you and your car. I facilitate that relationship. That relationship is made possible by our friendship. Therefore, Concept-i was built from the inside out, with a focus on making it immersive, energetic and, most importantly—approachable.

    тойота концепткары

    Thanks to artificial intelligence, we foresee an automotive future wherein our cars can connect with us. Thanks to Yui, Concept-i will enhance that relationship between car and driver. Along with AI, the car and I work together with the goal of detecting what you and your passengers are thinking, feeling and needing.

    I talk to you and then to the car. In the future, we envision you, Yui and the car working together—like teammates. Now, here comes the really fun part. So safety and protection are a major benefit of this relationship. By knowing you better, Concept-i can help protect you better. You may have heard that your ability to drive your own car is taken away from you. Concept-i is different from a lot of the other cars in the future because you can drive it, and it can drive you.

    So it is autonomous, but not fully. For example, if you want to drive, you can. How cool is that? Concept-i looks as brilliant as it sounds—from its expressive sculptural qualities and elegant graphics to its captivating lighting and design. Its minimal yet artful interior is designed to help support its user experience. Lines flow from the center of the dashboard throughout the vehicle, while Yui travels around them, using light, sound and even touch to communicate critical information.

    тойота концепткары

    It utilizes a single wide-screen, 3-D, full-color Head-Up Display that blends into an interior that is clean and uncluttered. Even the exterior of the car elevates the relationship between the car and the world around it, communicating with others on the road while expressing motion and excitement. Our vision for the car of the future starts with "Yui. Meet Yui The future has arrived. Learning makes this smart car brilliant.

    With a big heart. Less of a machine. More of a pal. Call us totally awesome. Our concept of the future will make history.

    5 новинок Японских концепт TRIMO-RUS.RU concept cars Mazda,Mitsubishi,Nissan,Lexus,Subaru

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